A game controller that’s mondo customizable with Lego and Android
Strange Meadowlark’s Lego/Arduino Game Controller is a collection of off the shelf parts and surplus that fit together perfectly.
Strange Meadowlark’s Lego/Arduino Game Controller is a collection of off the shelf parts and surplus that fit together perfectly.
The folks over at the blog for a self-setting rubber product called sugru have been busy finding new and ingenious ways to use sugru, like this clever LEGO cable and key holder.
A new interlocking cardboard block set hopes to give youngsters big tools to make their small-scale, digital creations life-size.
Today, the team behind LeJOS — the Java operating system for Legos — released a beta edition of their software for Mindstorms EV3. LeJOS has been around since 2000, when Jose Solozano first built the open-source Java-based software for Mindstorms RCX; it’s one of several software replacement systems for Mindstorms, which try to take advantage […]
The Mindstorms robot is much like the teams: both start as a pile of parts, but as time goes on, the robot comes together and becomes a thing that can face the challenges it encounters.
Is the Lego Mindstorms EV3 set boy-centric? And if so, what can we do about it?
Artist and Lego hacker Alex Allmont explains how he created his latest work.