Little Free Libraries
Tips on setting up little free libraries in your community.
Tips on setting up little free libraries in your community.
Earlier this month, a few MAKE staffers ventured to Boise, Idaho in response to an invitation to meet with librarians from across the state and to lead an afternoon training session for the pilot project, Make iT at the Library. The project focused on supporting the creation of five makerspaces in libraries.
was reminded recently of The Swiss Family Robinson (free), a book which I never read, but whose treehouse at Disneyland I loved–all those pulleys and bridges and funny little rooms. It got me to thinking about summer reading and what I would recommend to young makers who’d like to take a break from making, and curl up under a tree to read about characters like them.
The American Library Association (ALA) is wrapping up its annual conference in Chicago tomorrow. Today was “Maker Monday,” a day that showcased the growing intersection of libraries and the maker movement.
Neat idea from NY architect John Locke, who designed this slot-together plywood shelf unit to hang over the standard public telephone kiosk without fasteners or other alterations to the existing public property. The phone, if present, can still be used normally. So far, John has tested two prototypes, and in both cases passers-by were confused […]
Two years ago I wrote about what a delight it was to discover the UT-Austin School of Architecture’s Materials Lab when I was on campus there, and it seems appropriate to resurrect the topic in honor of our theme this month. Kevin Kelly just posted a roundup of major materials libraries around the USA over […]
We got this message from Clifton Burt: The Northeast Portland Tool Library is a non profit lending library of tools located at NE 20th and Killingsworth Sreet (Portland, OR). Open on Saturdays and Wednesdays, the checkout of the tools is free; it works just like a lending library for books. It began a year ago […]