Made in Japan

Ballparks by Major League Models…

Ballparks by Major League Models…

Ballparks by Major League Models via BoJ. Major League Models creates the world’s finest “made-to-order” replicas of your favorite ballparks. Our incredible scale sizes yield museum-grade showpieces that consistently turn heads and bring favorite memories to the foreground. Ballparks begin with meticulous research utilizing blueprints, photos, and drawings. Ballparks are hand-crafted by renowned ballpark artist […]

Made in Japan Gift Guide

Made in Japan Gift Guide

In covering DIY technology from Japan, there have been quite a few kits and projects that have come along that would be of interest to makers outside of Japan, but are either not available for overseas ordering, or are available but may be subject to high shipping costs and long waits. Luckily, one very consistent […]

More From Make: Tokyo Meeting 02

More From Make: Tokyo Meeting 02

Following up on the previous post covering Make: Tokyo Meeting 02, here are more photos and info from this event. This time there were over 60 presenters and over 1,200 people in attendance (twice as many makers and guests as the first Make: Tokyo Meeting). This time the meeting featured makers from Tokyo and beyond, […]

Make Tokyo Meeting 02

Make Tokyo Meeting 02

MAKE: Tokyo Meeting 02 was held on 11/8 at Tokyo’s Tama Art University, and the MAKE: Japan events just keep getting bigger, better, and wonderfully wilder. Here are a few highlights gleaned from the massive influx of pictures, video, and bloggings that this event inspired. Here’s a video featuring four particularly awesome things from the […]