Made On Earth

Underwater Photo Gallery

Underwater Photo Gallery

As gimmicks go, this one from diver and photographer Andreas Franke is pretty smart: The novelty of an “underwater gallery” is likely to bring lots of attention to his work in the press (heck, it worked for me), and the situation of the exhibit itself pre-screens for clients who are wealthy enough, both in terms of free time and in terms of disposable income, to appreciate and buy expensive art.

Giant Machete-Shooting Slingshot

Giant Machete-Shooting Slingshot

I love Cory Doctorow’s droll description of this creation almost as much as I love the thing itself:

This handy gentleman has built an (arguably ill-conceived, but nevertheless impressive) rifle-cum-slingshot that fires machetes, should you find yourself with the need to fire machetes.

The handy gentleman in question is YouTuber Jörg Sprave, slingshot enthusiast par excellence. He blogs about it here. [via Boing Boing]