make projects

Building the MakerGear Mosaic 3D Printer – Part V: The Extruder

Building the MakerGear Mosaic 3D Printer – Part V: The Extruder

This is the fifth installment of my series on building the MakerGear Mosaic 3D printer. This part covers installation of the “business end” of the machine, i.e. the extruder assembly, which consists of the preassembled motor and filament drive / hot-end groups, and the cooling fan. The fan and heater power leads, and the temperature sensor lead, are also connected at this stage.

Build Your Own RFID Teddy Bear

Build Your Own RFID Teddy Bear

Science communication designer David Harris wanted to make a unique toy for his nephew Charlie, who was born with cerebral palsy. Charlie’s vision is poor but he’s very tactile and auditory, so David designed a location-aware teddy bear that reads RFID tags and plays different customizable sounds depending on where it is or what object […]