make projects

Make: Projects – Hang a picture from a pull tab

Make: Projects – Hang a picture from a pull tab

When I was a teenager, we had a distinctly impolite name for a pull tab that had been removed from the can with the rivet ring still intact, said name being based on a persistent urban legend about the alleged redemption value of these relatively rare tabs. I can assure you, dear readers, that legend has nothing to do with the reason I am familiar with this handy trick for removing pull tabs with the ring intact every time. Turns out, a tab with an intact rivet ring is quite useful for mounting to wooden frames as a picture hanger. And I, you know, have to hang up lots of pictures. Seriously.

How-To: School Mascot

Minnesota-based Make: Projects community member David Howard contributed a great how-to for making your own school mascot from scratch, complete with a cooling fan in the head piece to keep your furry mascot from overheating. Maybe your craft club needs a mascot too? Now you’ll know how to make one. Thanks, David!

Make: Projects – Kinect privacy shield from Kinect packing foam

My new Kinect is a very cool toy, but it was not lost on me, as I was plugging it in, that I’d given the Microsoft hive-mind a pretty sophisticated set of eyes and ears onto my living room. Sure, I suppose I could only plug it in when I’m using it, but I’m kind of a neat freak about my entertainment center wiring and I don’t want to be digging the Xbox out every time I decide I want certain privacy. Some kind of lens-cap arrangement seemed the easiest solution, and making it out of the foam that the Kinect came packed in avoids the danger of picking some material that might scratch the device or otherwise be incompatible with it over the long term.

In the Maker Shed: Monochron clock kit

In the Maker Shed: Monochron clock kit

The Monochron clock kit from the Maker Shed is a completely hackable, open source, clock kit that has a funky retro feel. It can be programmed to display several different clock “faces” or you can program you own. The kit comes complete with all electronics (soldering required), laser cut case, and power plug. From Make: […]