Maker Camp

Choosy Photographers Choose GIF

Is everyone having fun at Maker Camp?  Yesterday Jared Ficklin joined us, showing everyone how to make awesome animated GIFs.  In Jared’s words: “The GIF is an image format from the early days of the interweb that was designed to support animation by stringing together multiple images into one compressed format–kind of like stop-motion animation. […]

Maker Camp is HERE!

Maker Camp is HERE!

#MakerCamp is about to begin this AM! We’ve teamed up with the folks at Google to create an awesome virtual summer camp, as part of our Summer of Making activities. It’s 30 days of 30 projects with online how-tos, camp counselors and “expert” makers to help you with your builds, G+ hangouts, online field trips, […]

The Bugle Sounds on Maker Camp

The Bugle Sounds on Maker Camp

We are thrilled to be announcing the upcoming launch of Maker Camp on Google+. We’ve teamed up with the folks at Google to create an awesome virtual summer camp, as part of our Summer of Making activities. It’s 30 days of 30 projects with online how-tos, camp counselors and “expert” makers to help you with […]