Maker Pro

Maker Pros are the innovators that are designing tomorrow’s products and businesses. Stay tuned for the latest news on manufacturing, startups, and industry trends.

Using a Maker Mindset to Shape a Successful Career

Using a Maker Mindset to Shape a Successful Career

In 2018, only 26 percent of the workers in “computer and mathematical occupations” were women, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but did you know that 46 percent of Quick Base builders are women? In an industry where app development is a predominantly male occupation, we’re proud to be bucking the trend. […]

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Why Does Airbus Have A Makerspace?

Why Does Airbus Have A Makerspace?

Why Airbus shows interest in the maker movement? As a multinational high end technology company, we may think that all aeronautic innovations require very complex processes and so the make it yourself approach does not fit. This is only partially true. Yes, most of the developments have a high degree of complexity. However, this does […]

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A Deep Dive Into Laser Cutter Speed And Power

A Deep Dive Into Laser Cutter Speed And Power

One of the most complicated aspects to consider when laser-cutting is the delicate balance between translational speed and laser power. We want to cut as fast as possible, but are there times when it is best to slow down? The short answer is: “definitely yes”. We are going to share with our maker community the […]

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Get More Projects Done With These 3 Tips

Get More Projects Done With These 3 Tips

The tech world needs creative risk takers like makers. A lot of companies don’t know how to develop the mindset of “I’ll try it” in their people. That’s what innovation is really. All the maker movement is doing is helping people develop their own sense of experimentation. —Dale Dougherty, founder of Make: magazine and Maker […]

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Patent Pandas: How One Maker Is Turning Her Horrible Experience Into a Force for Good

Patent Pandas: How One Maker Is Turning Her Horrible Experience Into a Force for Good

    What do you do when you find out that someone is trying to patent your idea and claim it as their own? It’s a question that no one should ever have to face. But as ideas spread faster than ever, through online communities, open-source research, or even crowdfunding campaigns, opportunists with an eye […]

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