Drones & Vehicles

13 Questions for the Chronic Maker Who Builds Giant Clocks & Destroys Computers

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, native Tom Gralewicz is a chronic Maker. We asked him about destroying computers, Barbie trikes, and giant clocks.

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PreNav Reveals Centimeter-Accurate Drone System

PreNav Reveals Centimeter-Accurate Drone System

With the launch of its centimeter-precision drone platform, PreNav is bringing quadcopter flight into highly technical arenas, both outdoors and in.

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Battling Robots Shoot IR Lasers At MakerCon

Battling Robots Shoot IR Lasers At MakerCon

[youtube https://youtu.be/ld-n2ra1IME] One of the most attention grabbing displays at this year’s MakerCon is the demolished set of Seattle, on which radio controlled cars battle. These bots pack an Intel Edison inside and an IR blaster and camera on their roof. You can drive them around, literally steering in any direction thanks to their omniwheel design, […]

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Startup Raises  Million for Smartphone Windshield Projector

Startup Raises $20 Million for Smartphone Windshield Projector

Hardware startup Navdy has reportedly raised $20 million to manufacture their eponymous gadget, which projects smartphone alerts directly onto an automobile windshield. “From the way information is presented, the clarity of the image, the flexibility of the gesture recognition to the way Navdy sits on your car’s dashboard, we are obsessing over every detail to make sure it’s […]

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