
Details from the MakerBot/Stratasys Press Conference

Details from the MakerBot/Stratasys Press Conference

The announcement that industrial 3D printer company Stratasys has acquired the consumer-focused start-up MakerBot has sent shockwaves through the Maker world in the last 24 hours. This morning at MakerBot HQ in Brooklyn, NY, Bre Pettis and David Rice, principles in the two companies, gave a press conference to talk more about the deal, and what it means for the burgeoning 3D printing home market.

Autodesk, MakerBot Join Forces

Autodesk, MakerBot Join Forces

MakerBot and Autodesk, who are sharing a booth this weekend at Maker Faire Bay Area 2013, just announced a partnership deal involving the Replicator 2 and Autodesk’s 123D suite. Folks who purchase subscriptions to Autodesk’s 123D tools get a discount towards the purchase of a Rep2, and Autodesk has become an authorized reseller of the popular 3D printer. The “Autodesk edition” Replicator 2 also features custom face- and buildplates. Deets at Autodesk’s 123D site, below.