
MakerBot vs the Easter Bunny at MakerBot UG NY

MakerBot vs the Easter Bunny at MakerBot UG NY

This past Tuesday, April 3, MUGNY held their “MakerBot vs the Easter Bunny” meetup, which featured chocolate molds, a demo of some printed artifacts scanned from originals using Autodesk’s free 123D Catch, an intro to MakerBot’s newly launched Design Studio team, and overview of home pewtering and casting, and a talk from Annelise, producer and […]

Rainbow Fused-Filament 3D Apple Logo

Rainbow Fused-Filament 3D Apple Logo

Very cool stunt from Thingiverse user acen, using a technique he credits to “zeq.” In fact, this fully 3D version of the original Apple logo is a bit specialized, because the method would be much harder to use on a color object that wasn’t divided into clear horizontal bands of color. Basically, it involves calculating exactly how much of each filament color will go into making your model, cutting those colors to accurate lengths, arranging them in order, and fusing them together.