
How-To: Operate a Homemade Scanning Electron Microscope

How-To: Operate a Homemade Scanning Electron Microscope

When we last checked in on Ben Krasnow’s homemade SEM, he had just achieved his first successful image with the device. As his latest video shows, the project has come a long way since then. It’s a long clip, by internet standards, at almost 10 minutes, but Ben does a great job of communicating what he’s doing and why, taking us through each step in the imaging process, from loading the sample, through pumping down the vacuum chamber and powering up the electronics, to fine-tuning the image itself.

Lego Pegasus Automaton

Lego Pegasus Automaton

This work from Korean Kyoung-bae Na, aka edulyoung, would be impressive as a static Lego model. As a flapping-wings automaton, it is, I daresay, magnificent. Kyoung-bae Na has a BrickLink storefront as Studio Amida, but the Pegasus Automaton is not listed there as of this writing.