
Handmade steel umbilic torus

Handmade steel umbilic torus

calculus-book-cover.jpgMy buddy Trent Johnson, who works for AMD here in Austin, made this beautiful object. I was standing awkwardly in the corner at his birthday party last weekend, trying to remember how to interact with flesh-and-blood people on a face-to-face basis, when I looked down and saw it leaning against the wall next to me. And I immediately recognized it from the cover of my college calculus text, from the flyleaf of which I now quote:

Math Monday: Gyrangle

Math Monday: Gyrangle

By George Hart for the Museum of Mathematics As announced a few weeks ago in this column, I made a large mathematical artwork at a public “sculpture barn-raising” on the National Mall in Washington DC last weekend.  Hundreds of people helped me screw together these 490 laser-cut triangles into this structure which illustrates a discretization […]