Maker Faire a Place for Innovators

Maker Faire a Place for Innovators

A host of hopeful startups will be in evidence today the Bay Area Maker Faire. The fair’s list of sponsors includes a startup category. Maker Faire is a chance for many of these companies to show their products to an appreciative audience. The relationship goes deep; the companies were started by people who identify themselves as makers. Being part of Maker Faire is sort of like a family graduation day party. There is even a dedicated startup area at Maker Faire. Here is a sampling of small innovative startups have timed the release of significant news with Maker Faire.

Maker Faire Bay Area Ready for Showtime

Maker Faire Bay Area Ready for Showtime

The production crew at MAKE has been preparing all week. Sets and stages have been built. Communications and power have been put in place. Finally, everything is ready to go. It’s set-up day. This morning, the gates opened for makers and sponsors to check in and set-up their exhibits. The grounds are filled with sounds of tools, forklifts, and the occasionally noise of Arc Attack performing a sound check. The last event of the day was the paella dinner for makers, the traditional Maker Faire eve feast/party. Tomorrow: It’s showtime!