
DIY Isomorphic Keyboard

This is a velocity sensitive MIDI isomorphic keyboard. 192 total keys. The project came out of Louisville Soundbuilders, a fortnightly meeting of circuitbenders, synth engineers and experimental musicians. After seeing a couple of my failed variations of a single-bus isomorphic keyboard, Tim was intrigued enough to design one even better. He designed multiple PCBs that […]

Industrial Sound Controllers

Tristan Shone rolled out the ‘big guns’ for Maker Faire Bay Area 2010. His Industrial Sound Controllers are a musical force to be reckoned with and their sheer size and weight demand considerable attention upon seeing them firsthand. Tristan took a few moments out from setting up to speak with Becky Stern and myself before […]

Self-playing musical instruments

Self-playing musical instruments

These MIDI & Arduino-driven musical instruments — a violin and a glockenspiel(?) — were created by Spanish artist Joan Vallvé as part of Sónar, a music and multimedia festival going on this weekend in Barcelona. The “Violí MIDI” and “Metal·lòfon MIDI” are part of the project to design and construct an automated musical environment. This […]

BlipBox touch-sensitive LED matrix

Pingdynasty’s BlipBox project combines two 5×8 LED matrices with a TO576S transparent touchscreen to create an interesting MIDI/OSC controller with visual feedback – The BlipBox consists of a few simple elements cleverly put together. At the core there is a 10×8 matrix of super-bright LED’s with individually adjustable brightness. Overlaying this is a precision touch screen. […]