Software MIDI bridge uses serial port to transmit MIDI
Got a cool idea for a physical computing project (or actual music instrument) that uses MIDI, but don’t have a computer with an actual MIDI port?
Got a cool idea for a physical computing project (or actual music instrument) that uses MIDI, but don’t have a computer with an actual MIDI port?
Travis Chen wrote in to let us know he just finished making his own Monome clone using full-sized arcade buttons. Each of the 64 hand wired Happ arcade buttons is lit with a super bright green LED.
One of my favorite DIYs in the newest issue of MAKE, Volume 19, is a sweet project titled “MIDI Camera Control” in our DIY Imaging section by Josh Cardenas. A while back, Josh got the rare opportunity to run visuals for The Hard Sell tour, a collaboration between renowned turntablists DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist.
Here’ a lovely stand (pad) for the PICnome OSC (open source controller). The maker (in Japan), of both the PICnome controller and the pad, is selling a limited number of kits. tkrworks
Adafruit Industries posted a rather sweet tutorial on using XBee modules as a wireless MIDI bridge. In the video above, Limor demonstrates the ‘bees buzzing serial data at a distance of about 50 feet. The default latency between sender and receiver comes in at around 6.0 milliseconds and can even be improved a bit with […]
David points out the 4bitsynth – a MIDI controllable digital synthesizer using the ATMega48 chip and a resistor ladder digital to analog converter. This simple project produces some nice NES-esque square, triangle, and noise waveforms – code is available here – 4bitsynth
Mr. Book sent in his strategy for controlling Arduino from a MIDI controller through Processing – My implementation uses a single DAC IC chip, the MCP4921, which sells for about 2 bucks from Mouser. The current version uses the Arduino, only to read one byte, as a midi note, from the serial connection and sends […]