10 Charging Station Projects
Fun, clever, and useful projects to help keep your mobile device batteries charged and raring to go.
Fun, clever, and useful projects to help keep your mobile device batteries charged and raring to go.
You can experience the soothing chatter of a rotary encoder sending out your digits by building a Bluetooth rotary dial for your cell phone.
Blynk is a new platform that allows you to build interfaces for controlling and monitoring your projects from your iOS and Android device.
Cellphone snooping. Network surveillance. Face recognition technology. As the gadgets we search, watch, and read become more able to watch us back, Makers are finding clever ways to guard their digital privacy and maintain anonymity online. Here are a few of our favorites. BROWSE ANONYMOUSLY DIY Raspberry Pi VPN/Tor Router Surf the internet securely with […]
If you ride a motorcycle with another rider, you may decide that an intercom system would be an excellent way to communicate without constantly shouting. You could buy a purpose-built unit, but what fun would that be? This Instructables article by “Stuffman” shows you how to hook up a bunch of components with (if all the […]
Make a bold and graceful piece of handmade art for your home with this Mark Hearld-inspired bird mobile tutorial!
Transform a tea towel and some fluffy poms into a happy piece of home decor with this UP-inspired house mobile tutorial!