Modern Mechanix

Put put boats

Put put boats

Csc934 writes – “The put put boat is a steam powered boat. In this use, they are hand made from either baking pan aluminum or flashing. The boiler is made by cutting and flattening a soda can, folding it, then epoxying in two straws.” [via] – Link.

Mark VIII keyboard

Mark VIII keyboard

Russ is working on a really interesting keyboard, check out the different prototypes and build-blog – “This keyboard has no support at the base of the palm. It isn’t needed! The keyboard bears directly on the thumb. The main difference between this keyboard, and the others is that the thumb position is lowered. The thumb […]

Hand-Drawn Soundtracks

Hand-Drawn Soundtracks

Check out these handmade “soundtracks” from 1936 – I’d like to know if there are any still around and what they sound like… “”Sketches” Sound; Files It For “Talkies” – SYNTHETIC musical notes that can be filed away in a card index have been developed by a group of Soviet musicians and scientists. The hand-sketched […]