
Shinya Kimura

shinya kimura @ chabott engineering from Henrik Hansen on Vimeo. I have a spectacular craftsman to share with you this Monday — Japanese-born custom motorcycle builder, Shinya Kimura. Kimura made a name for himself as founder of the shop Zero Engineering, where his streamlined aesthetic turned vintage bikes into a “no frills minimalistic” functional artistry […]

Motorcycle brake rotor repair kludge

Motorcycle brake rotor repair kludge

Drilled and tapped for the screw and drilled a clearance hole for the mount bolt.At 20 threads per inch, that would be .050″ per turn. So .01″ would be 1/5 of a turn. Put on a standard six-flat nut for reference. Turn less than one flat would be .050/6 = .0083 inches, a little margin to the spec.

So, to use it, you spin and gradually drop the screw until it just touches at the highest point. Turn to the lowest point, and tighten down. Took less than one flat, so I believe I am in spec!