
Matsutake Sake

I recently had the pleasure of drinks with Maker Faire’s Sherry Huss and Joe Szuecs of Renga. They served me the most wonderful hot sake with sliced Matsutake. Joe hunted for the fungus and brought them home that very day. The mushrooms were sliced thin and simmered in the pot while the sake was heated, […]

Amazing origami mushroom video

I’m not sure if this isn’t more rightly called “paper sculpture” than origami. True it uses only one sheet of paper and there are no cuts, but, well…watch the video and you’ll see what I mean. Besides getting to see the mushrooms themselves, which are almost photo-realistic, it’s worth it to see how a master with 20 years of experience moves his hands. [via Boing Boing]

Growing shiitakes

Growing shiitakes

Here’s a neat post about growing shiitake mushrooms. Looks like you don’t have to do much other than keep the log moist after initial setup: Some of the most expensive and delicious gourmet mushrooms on the market are shiitakes, which also are credited in Asia with healthful properties such as lowering cholesterol and improving immunity […]