
This Tiny Orrery Fits In Your Hand And Has A Web Interface

This Tiny Orrery Fits In Your Hand And Has A Web Interface

I’m a fan of orreries. These little models of our planetary bodies and orbits are truly fascinating and have captured my mind ever since I saw the big mechanical one featured in the movie The Dark Crystal. Give me any orrery and I’m happy. Big mechanical ones, tiny electronic ones, I don’t care. The Illusionmanager […]

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This Flaming Mechanical Solar System Will Make You Feel Like a Heavenly Giant

This Flaming Mechanical Solar System Will Make You Feel Like a Heavenly Giant

This year at Maker Faire Bay Area, you’ll have a chance to experience a unique view of the heavenly bodies. Stand as celestial being, a giant observing the solar system, feeling the heat from the flaming star on your face while the planets spin and twist around you. Celestial Mechanica, a 40 foot wide, 16 […]

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