Open-Source Wearable PIC Board

Open-Source Wearable PIC Board

SquareWare by Ray’s Hobby offers the same general format as a Lilypad or Flora but uses a PIC microcontroller: An open-source microcontroller board designed specially for wearable electronics projects. It’s small (1.6″x1.6″) and square! Has 8 general i/o pins and 4 power sink pins suitable for driving high-current load. Comes with built-in USB connector and […]

Smart Umbrella Stand

Smart Umbrella Stand

Being wet weather season, this ambient weather forecasting umbrella stand hack from Simone Marra illustrates just how easy it is to integrate a networked controller with your project. Utilizing a Grove Nest board, a WiFi networking module, a motion sensor, and some RGB LEDs, Marra has built a handy way of remembering to bring an umbrella on your way out the door.

Skittles Sorting Machine

Skittles Sorting Machine

Do you like your rainbow of flavor to be sorted by discrete wavelength? If so, then you’ll appreciate Brian Egenriether’s Skittles Sorting Machine 2. Using an IR LED and phototransistor to determine the appropriate color, a BASIC Stamp 2 controls three servo motors to actuate a turnstile and chute selector to deliver the identified confection to a predetermined collection bowl.