
DIY PVC didgeridoo

DIY PVC didgeridoo

MAKE subscriber subatomic from Chicago, IL wrote in to share his PVC didgeridoos packing 11 interchangeable extension tubes to change the pitch. I’ve built two didgeridoos, with extension pipes to change the pitch. With a 2nd player, we’ll be able to play chords together. I had been thinking about buying a didj for a while, […]

DIY PVC submarine

DIY PVC submarine

Jason Rollette’s remotely-operated submarine packs four 500gph and two 1,250gph bilge pumps, with the bigger ones used for propulsion. Check out his incredibly detailed tutorial for instructions on how to build your own. [via Hack a Day] More: Record-vying transatlantic robot submarine at sea Beached submarine home theater Chinese maker’s homemade submarine