
Introducing the Make: Talk radio show

Introducing the Make: Talk radio show

This Friday, at 12pm Pacific (3pm ET), MAKE is launching a new Blog Talk Radio show, called Make: Talk, hosted by MAKE Editor and Publisher, Dale Dougherty, and MAKE Editor-in-Chief Mark Frauenfelder. Each week, they’ll have special guest makers on the show, talk about DIY projects, and what’s going on at MAKE magazine and Make: […]

Handmade radios as objets d’art

Handmade radios as objets d’art

Mister Jalopy hipped us to these amazing handmade radios from Tom Kipgen. The triangular wonder above is called Radio Moscow (’cause the finned brass plate cap Tom fabbed reminded him of Russian onion domes). As Mister J points out, for something this beautifully crafted, the asking price is a song. Wander the site for other […]

WiFi radio project

WiFi radio project

Over at the MightyOhm, Jeff has been working on building a streaming WiFi radio system (built around a Asus WL-520GU router): I have been wanting to build a streaming radio for some time. I frequently work in my garage, where I occasionally use my Macbook to play music through a small amplifier and bookshelf speakers. […]

Microsatellite kits

Microsatellite kits

Many (many) moons ago, I did some pieces for Mondo 2000 magazine and The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog on microsats — basically homebrewed flying PCs and radios in a box that hitched rides on spaceships. I heard amazing stories of literally building these craft on kitchen tables and baking components (i.e. curing them) in home […]