
DIY Robot Building, Circa 1956

DIY Robot Building, Circa 1956

Stuart “Mr. Retro” Sandler built a super retro robot from plans found in a 57-year-old copy of Boys Life he’d purchased from eBay. Stuart had heard about the robot as a teenager and wrote to the magazine for the copy of the plans. They sent him a photocopy but left out a couple of key […]

Raspberry Pi in an N64 Case

Raspberry Pi in an N64 Case

Raspberry Pis are neat because they have so many applications and are open to creative expansion by any user with an idea. And they’re only $35! The downside of that low price is that no accessories are included, which means no case. After the Raspberry Pi Meetup here at MAKE, I was inspired to make my own case out of an N64 game cartridge. Here’s how I did it!