
Why Its Really, Really Hard to Make Light Bulb Filaments

Continuing his wonderful series of videos on the unappreciated wonders of engineering that surround us here’s Engineer Guy on the truly amazing process required to produce a common incandescent light-bulb filament. As always, Bill displays a fantastic ability to produce short, engaging, entertaining video segments that will appeal to and educate both the totally uninitiated and those who, like myself, are foolish enough to think we know a thing or two. [Thanks, Bill!]

Morse For The Hard-Core: Replace Your Keyboard with a Key

Morse For The Hard-Core: Replace Your Keyboard with a Key

Here’s a fairly radical way to motivate yourself to learn Morse, from Australian Ben Buxton. Got to agree with tipster Alan Dove, who described the build as, “a project involving Arduino programming, a mint tin, a USB interface, and International Morse Code, resulting in unassailable geek cred.” The USB key interface is built into a mint tin and provides a dual input port for a standard USB keyboard to access non-Morse characters. A numeric display on the tin displays your coding speed, and tapping out “SOS” without letter spaces brings up the settings menu. Software, schematics, and build notes at Ben’s site. [Thanks, Alan!]