
WWI “Field Sketching Case”

WWI “Field Sketching Case”

We keep on ending up in the Wayback Machine when looking at scrolling map technology (and I bet we could go a lot farther back). First we started with the 1930s scrolling car navigator, then the 1920s wrist-borne map scroll. Here, Make: Online reader “TH” describes a WWI era (1914) scrolling device for map making: […]

1920s version of GPS!

In response to our post on the 1930s car-based mechanical mapping device, MAKE reader Simon posted a link to this earlier, wrist-borne scroll-map navigator, from the 20s! Here’s a bit more background on it. Plus Four Wristlet Route Indicator: Original GPS More: 1930s answer to GPS

Tweets carved in stone

Tweets carved in stone

Although I don’t always live up to the ideal, I hold with Strunk & White when it comes to prose: “Make every word tell.” In a world as cluttered with superfluous text as beer bottles, meaningful concision is more important than ever. So I really like what artists Autobahn and Richard Wendling are doing with their #StoneCarvedTweets project. [via Neatorama]