
Roomba’s roots

Roomba’s roots

By way of BotJunkie comes this robot vacuum, the Dustbot, sold by Tomy in 1985. I’d never even heard of it. The broom and dustpan is not, apparently, how it does its job. That’s just for a little light entertainment while it attempts a little light vacuuming. Tomy Vacuuming Dustbot Had Edge Sensors In 1985

Go-Robo software for WowWee Robots

Q4 Technologies, Ltd is a UK company that makes a line of software to control the WowWee toy/hobby robots. Anyone who’s spent any time using a WowWee controller to remote-control or script program routines for their bot knows how tedious, and limiting, this method can be. Go-Robo Studio works with most of the WowWee Robotics […]