Something I want to learn to do…

MIG Welding 101 at Madagascar Institute

MIG Welding 101 at Madagascar Institute

Last week, seven students converged at the Madagascar Institute for that facility’s first class of the new year: “Intro to MIG Welding,” taught by the “connoisseur of terror” himself, Hackett (from TV’s Stuck with Hackett). A true group of student-makers, the class ranged in experience from absolute novices who’d never used power tools before to […]

How-To: Quick ropecraft laptop shoulder sling

It’s probably not much good against the rain, but this handy bit of urban fieldcraft from YouTuber sumitsumit would be hard to beat for showing off your DIY-fu at the local hackerspace, coffeeshop, or school. Pretty much guaranteed to impress that attractive gentleman or lady in your engineering class. It takes about 20′ of rope, includes an adjustable shoulder-strap, and–I suspect–could probably be tied or untied in ten seconds or less with practice. I don’t want to spoil sumitsumit’s reveal, so I didn’t include a screen-cap, but you can scan forward to 4:20 to see the finished product. [via Boing Boing]