Making a Pump Track
Riding a pump track is kind of like riding a roller coaster track. They are really, really fun to ride. And there’s a whole scene of makers piling and packing and wetting dirt all for the sake of hours of pedal fun.
Riding a pump track is kind of like riding a roller coaster track. They are really, really fun to ride. And there’s a whole scene of makers piling and packing and wetting dirt all for the sake of hours of pedal fun.
A must-read for any makers considering prototyping product ideas.
The tires and hubs on these cars simply were never meant for this kind of abuse.
See the most ridiculously over the top DIY squirt gun possible.
Make isn’t the only place to find great outdoor how-tos.
Disk golf is an incredibly fun sport, but unfortunately many simply don’t have access to a disk golf course. Luckily, they’re not too difficult to build, as you can see in this instructable that takes you through the entire process of building one from hardware store parts for roughly $75. The parts list isn’t very […]
The radar communicates this to the cyclist by a system of LEDs