
Homeforged tools

Homeforged tools

From the MAKE Flickr pool Flickr member diluded000 forged his own blacksmithing tongs from some anchor bolts. Wow – this means he’ll be making with tools ‘of his own making’ . . . is that meta-making? He also shared some pics of his new coal forge – Looks like fun! If you’re interested in learning […]

Tip site for the handicapped

Tip site for the handicapped

Before my hip replacement surgery in 1999, I was sometimes relegated to a wheel chair. You cannot imagine what it feels like to give up your freedom of movement and your self-sufficiency. And you cannot imagine the joy and sense of independence you reclaim when you get some ability back, through an assistive device or […]

Toolbox: Portable lighting

Toolbox: Portable lighting

A lot of what makes a successful DIY build is not in the gory details of build itself, it’s in everything that surrounds it: the working environment, the available tools, the preparation done beforehand, the patience and working methods of the builder, etc. Soldering is a good example. Successful soldering is not so much about […]