DiResta: Sawhorses
I needed new shop horses to manage different projects and locations in my shop. I went to buy them, but realized they were too big.
I needed new shop horses to manage different projects and locations in my shop. I went to buy them, but realized they were too big.
Prepare your favorite paintbrushes for a new year–and keep them in good working order for many projects to come–with this helpful guide to cleaning and caring for your paintbrushes!
Is making your own jewelry on your crafty to-do list for 2015? Get familiar with some of the more exciting tools of the jewelry making trade with this great overview of jewelry soldering tools!
A new wearable popped up yesterday, called Tread, from Leatherman
Are your favorite scissors getting dull? Give inexpensive scissors a new lease on life with a sheet of sandpaper and this scissors sharpening tutorial!
Beneath years of dirt and grime can be found files, planes, screwdrivers, and hand-drills that can become some of your favorite tools.
Lathes are an interesting piece of “maker gear,” but the typical garage would seem more likely to have a table saw than a lathe available. If for some reason you need to make a wooden bowl and only have a saw around, Izzy Swan now has a solution with his custom jig. In his setup, […]