Toys and Games

Fallout 3 replica weapons

Fallout 3 replica weapons

Ryan Palser, aka Flickr user citizensnips, built this impressive replica of the AER-9 laser rifle from Bethesda’s runaway hit RPG Fallout 3. He’s also got some work-in-progress shots of a replica A3-21 plasma rifle that is shaping up to be even more impressive. Nice work, Ryan–let us know when it’s finished! [via Propnomicon]

How-To: Cast your own miniatures from a master model

How-To: Cast your own miniatures from a master model

I’ll admit to having wargame minis on the brain this morning. As a commenter on my earlier post pointed out, a cheaper alternative to Shapeways printing of your entire computer-modeled miniature army is to print just one of each unit type, then use the print as a master to make your own mold and cast a bunch of duplicates. Heck, while you’re at it, you might even just print the mold itself. This page provides a set of pretty good tutorials about duplicating miniatures by casting. [Thanks, RichB!]