
Rideable Bicycle replicas

Rideable Bicycle replicas

Alameda, CA based “Rideable Bicycle Replicas” has an amazing selection of antique replica bicycles, pedicabs, hand-cranked trikes, boneshakers, tricycles, recumbents, surreys, tandems and more. They also sell 1880’s antique bicycle catalog reprints that I cannot help but order… The Old English Roadster is only $189.00, but it’s out stock – darn it [via] – Link. […]

Electric Jeep Cherokee

Electric Jeep Cherokee

C Connors writes – “Nick Viera converted his old Jeep to ev during his junior year in high school. According to Nick, he got 17-20 miles per gallon before converting to electric. 13 cents a mile for gas powered, 4 cents a mile for electric powered. No more emissions, no outrageous complexity, no noise in […]