
Pneumatic Antenna Launcher uses Android, Free App for AR Scope

Pneumatic Antenna Launcher uses Android, Free App for AR Scope

We have covered Alan’s Biocca’s fantastic clearinghouse site antennalaunchers.com before, and Brookfield, CT, resident Andrew Stoev’s basic launcher design appears to be a slightly up-gunned version of Alan’s CSV19 pneumatic antenna launcher. It’s a beautiful build, but my favorite feature is the quick-release mount he added for his Android device. Using a free app called GeoCam, his phone, when so mounted, becomes an augmented-reality aiming scope that provides GPS location, compass orientation, and (probably most usefully for this purpose) phone inclination data.

DIY Bluetooth Shutter Release

DIY Bluetooth Shutter Release

If you’re looking for more control than the average shutter release cable, then you should check out this DIY Bluetooth shutter release from YouTuber Scott Wallace. Using an Arduino Uno, BlueSmirf Bluetooth transceiver, and some perfboard, Scott fashioned a device capable of accepting commands over the air from his Android handset. [via nikonrumors] The camera […]

Roll Your Own RFID Tags

Roll Your Own RFID Tags

Beth’s prototype design, here, uses 100 turns of AWG 40 magnet wire, an ATtiny85 integrated circuit, a couple of surface-mount capacitors, and a duct-tape substrate sealed under a layer of clear packing tape. She reports that “the read range is practically indistinguishable from a mass-produced RFID card.”

Blendophone Project Build Part 2

Blendophone Project Build Part 2

Here’s the next step in the Blendophone project I’m building for Maker Faire: making it wireless. (Note: I’ll be doing a talk about the Blendophone with my co-conspirator, Usman Muzaffar, at next weekend’s Maker Faire Bay Area 2011 each day at 3pm on the Make: Live stage in Expo Hall). So far, I can control […]