

Here is a great way to spy on people survey your surroundings. With Bluetooth integration, it is completely wireless and is controlled by a video game controller. The camera movement is very fast, but unfortunately the bot isn’t. Keep this in mind, since a fast escape after being detected is not going to happen. For […]

Wirelessly updatable POV…

Wirelessly updatable POV…

100 0070I met Dan from Berkeley at Macworld and his pal Andrew – they showed me a great POV (Persistence of Vision project) he just send word it’s now wirelessly updatable. Dan writes “Here’s the POV device and told you I was 30 minutes from making it wirelessly updatable. Well it took three hours instead but it works. Andrew and I are working on lower case letters and a general pattern generator interface.”

HOW TO: Building an Out-of-Band Device…

HOW TO: Building an Out-of-Band Device…

Oob Cross SectionHere’s a great article from Tom Bridge on building an out-of-band device: “When Hurricane Katrina ravaged the southeastern United States in late August 2005, telecommunications networks were interrupted in a significant fashion as switching facilities were flooded and power disrupted for days on end. Our Jackson, Mississippi office was left without a T1 when power was restored, as the route for our MCI/UUNet T1 travelled first through New Orleans. Facing days or weeks of a dark T1 was more than our company could take, so we decided to build them a fully functional dialup router using a spare 56k modem from our old dialup bank, a dialup account with a national provider, and a Netgear wireless firewall.”