
The RFID address book desk

The RFID address book desk

Rfid Address Book Desk06Timo Arnall’s excellent experiment with RFID and physical spaces, like his desk…“For the last couple of weeks I have been experimenting with tagging personal space with the NFC. This started by embedding RFID tags in my desk, to use it as an information surface for contacts, SMSes and links. Underneath the desk I have stuck a grid of RFID tags, and on the top surface, the same grid of post-it notes. With the standard Nokia Service Discovery application it is possible to call people, send pre-defined SMSes or load URLs by touching the phone to each post-it on the desk.” Link.

Vonage WiFi phone…

Vonage WiFi phone…

VonageScott writes “Vonage just released a VoIP WiFi phone… you can use your Vonage VoIP account on any public WiFi access point (but not at places that charge, such as the airport, Starbucks, etc). I’d love to see this phone modded/hacked to be used with other providers (I use Voicepulse).” Link. If you use EVDO, you could at least make a mobile hotspot (see how to) but I’m not sure what settings you can change in the phone for providers (if any).

Adding internal Bluetooth on a Dell laptop…

Adding internal Bluetooth on a Dell laptop…

72847299 Ea0B9A0215Nice mod, adding Bluetooth to laptop with an extra USB port…TomTheGeek writes “This weekend I added internal bluetooth to my Dell CPx laptop. These laptops have a two port USB hub in them but only one is available on the outside. The other one is only used if you have a docking station. Since I don’t have a docking station I found the traces for the unused USB port and placed my USB bluetooth module internally. These are the connections I had to add to the main board in order to use the USB port…” Link.

Parabolic Kitchenware as Wi-Fi Extender

Parabolic Kitchenware as Wi-Fi Extender

Airport Express3Tasty! “The Apple Airport Express is a wonderful piece of hardware. The only drawback I have exprerienced with this device is its relatively low signal sensitivity. Having noticed that, I started looking for a way to connect an external antenna to extend the range of the Airport Express…This idea is to put the Airport Express in the middle of the parabolic kitchenware. In other words to make a kind of a passive wifi antenna enhancer. Et voila!” [via] Link.

Cuckoo IP

Cuckoo IP

CuckooCould be a fun MAKE project…“Cuckoo IP is a voice messaging system. The clock’s answer phone can be dialled from mobile or landline. Leave a voice message, select a time for the delivery of it. At that time, the cuckoo will emerge from the clock and broadcast your message. The device uses networking protocols to communicate with a server. Every minute, the clock asks the server if there’s any message for that time-slot and request the sound file.” Link.