Make it Anywhere With a Mobile Lab
Steve Roberts, the “high-tech nomad,” shows you how he built his mobile lab and makerspace.
Steve Roberts, the “high-tech nomad,” shows you how he built his mobile lab and makerspace.
Our Make: Online second-quarter theme of “Make: Time and Space” got me thinking about all of the workshop-related articles that have graced the pages of MAKE magazine. One of my favorites has to be Seattle-based master woodworker Len Cullum‘s “$30 Micro Forge” from MAKE Volume 18. When he found himself needing 500 old-style Japanese nails, […]
Some of us are lucky enough to easily find room for a workshop. Others, well, have to get creative. Make: Online reader Kenneth Lee converted his pantry (above photo) into an excellent workshop (bottom photo). I especially like his magnetic shop lamp with exactos and hemostats dangling from it. (Click on the “after” image to […]
Make: Online reader Conor wrote in with a pic of his small, small workshop — on top of an old traveler’s trunk, underneath his loft bed in a 8×8′ room! Kind of reminds me of Adam Wolf’s closet workshop except with more Mexican candles. And what’s that he’s working on? An electric guitar slash bullhorn? […]
Australian reader Ian Ross sent in pictures of his awesome workbench, which packs some interesting gear like nixie-tube test equipment. It is the disorganised chaos of over 30 years of collecting discarded electronic devices. Some of the test instruments use lovely Nixie tubes and I also have a flat screen telly so I can escape […]
Most home workshops have you looking at garage walls or cement bricks. Mark Tilden, father of BEAM robotics, built himself a sweet setup high above the streets of Hong Kong. Having spent most of my lab life staring at basement walls or security bars, recently sorted myself a home lab 600 feet high overlooking Kowloon […]
I don’t have my own workshop, just a desk in my bedroom that is more likely to have a pile of kid socks on it than an actual project. (Or, even more likely, it would have both projects and socks on it, making for a huge mess…) Consequently, I’m envious of and fascinated by other […]