Desoldering Braid

Got Wireless? Modify a Simple 12VDC Wireless Remote Control for 5VDC Operation

Got Wireless? Modify a Simple 12VDC Wireless Remote Control for 5VDC Operation

Adding a remote control switch to nearly any project is easy with these small keyfob-based RC relays. They are very inexpensive (<$20) and offer such options as MOMENTARY and TOGGLE operation as well as multiple relay channels to control. However, from what I found, these units require 12VDC to operate properly. This article explains how […]

Covert Listening Book

Covert Listening Book

Connect a shirt pocket “amplified listener” hearing aid with an in-car FM transmitter, and you’ve got a wireless bug. Tuck them inside a hollowed-out book with the mic concealed by the dust cover, and you’ve got a covert listening device that you can leave lying around or on a shelf near a surveillance target. Then […]

Space Invaders Tote

Space Invaders Tote

The Space Invaders are sensitive to the electromagnetic waves of mobile phones. When in close proximity to a mobile phone, the Space Invader is energized by an incoming call and its LED eyes begin to twinkle. Accessorized with a handmade Space Invaders Tote for an evening shindig, you will never miss a call again. Whether […]

One-Ton Linear Servo

One-Ton Linear Servo

RC hobby servomotors were just made for hacking. What’s not obvious is how much you can hack them — with a few tricks, you can use a servo to control almost anything. Hobby servos consist of a DC gear motor, a potentiometer (usually 5K), and a control circuit. The output shaft is the output of […]