Make: Volume 47 – The Space Issue

In this Issue we explore DIY space. Hear from The Martian author Andy Weir, in conversation with Adam Savage. Also learn how to hunt killer asteroids and perfect your star photography. In this issue, you’ll:

  • Learn how you can help NASA
  • Check out Bill Nye’s Lightsail
  • Build a working ion engine
  • Hack a dead satellite

ON THE COVER: Adam Savageʼs Navy Mark IV Mercury Space Helmet.

Table of Contents


Reader Input

Thoughts and musings from readers like you.Page 06

Welcome: A Construction Set for the 21st Century

Makeblock’s Jasen Wang is the prototype for a new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs.Page 08

Made on Earth

Explore the amazing world of backyard technology.Page 10


Designing Drones to Deliver Hope

UAVs aren’t just for bombs. Meet the nonprofit building robot airplanes to fly supplies to war-torn Syria.Page 18

A Desktop Circuit Board Factory

BotFactory’s integrated desktop circuit builder, Squink, is a rapid prototyping powerhouse.Page 24


Citizen Space

Amateur scientists have more opportunity to explore our cosmos than ever.Page 26

Reach for the Stars

Lessons learned from building a backyard Dobsonian telescope.Page 28

Solar Sailor

Bill Nyeʼs quest to solve one of the persistent barriers to space exploration.Page 32

Makers on Mars

Adam Savage geeks out with author Andy Weir about his upcoming MacGyver-in-space movie, The Martian.Page 40

Your Own Mars Mission

Practice these projects before you head to the red planet.Page 44

DIY Space Program

Makers are building their way to outer space right now — and so can you. Page 46


Tips on Lasers, Voltage Regulators, and Working with Acrylic

Supercharge your skill set with tried-and-true techniques to help you conquer your next project with ease.Page 49


Water Rocket Launcher

Use household items to build an inexpensive water-powered rocket that can soar a 100mph.Page 68

Ye Olde Brushless Motor

3D print this 1872 replica Electro-Magnetic Engine that works like your drone's motor.Page 76

3 Fun Things to 3D Print

Print a PLA wind-up motor, a small desktop vacuum, and a hand-crank model jet engine.Page 77

1+2+3: Grow Your Own Crystals

Part craft and part kitchen experiment, growing your own crystals is an easy DIY project.Page 84


Tool Reviews

Powered precision screwdriver, PCB soldering kit, and more useful gear.Page 86

New Maker Tech

Giant hackable hexbugs, colored breakaway headers, and a two-wheeled robot chassis.Page 88


Read up on drones, electronics, open-source hardware, and more.Page 89

New in the Maker Shed

CNC micro mill, paper airplane propellers, and more in our store.Page 90

3D Printer Review

The Velleman Vertex K8400 is a low-priced dual-head printer kit that gets very good results. Page 92


Learn to Solder with Just 1,916 Parts!

This handmade electronic clock is a painstaking work of engineering art.Page 96