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Toy Inventor’s Notebook: Bubble Plane
Here’s a super simple toy: a plastic bubble tip for a paper airplane. Dip it in bubble solution and leave a puff of bubbles as the plane darts away!

Build a Better Screen Lock: Smartphone Safe
This time-controlled smartphone safe makes your phone disappear for a while and frees up time for other things.

Get Your Bearings With Compass Handheld CNC Router
The concept of a handheld CNC machine may seem backwards. CNCs are big hunks of metal with spinning blades. Why would I ever put one of these into my hands?

Person running with a DIY steadicam. The background is blurred but their camera remains stable.
Build a camera-stabilizing rig for Steadicam smooth shots with instructions from "$14 Video Camera Stabilizer" from Make: 01

Flashback: Magnetic Stripe Reader
Ever wondered what info is stored on the magnetic-striped cards in your wallet? This project shows you how to make a magstripe reader for less than $40.

Flashback: 5-In-1 Network Cable
You can easily build a 5-in-one network cable with a single CAT5 cable and a handful of attachments. You'll never be without a needed cable again.

Flashback: Kite Aerial Photography Puts Your Eye in the Sky
Here's how to build a rig to attach a film camera to a kite line for low-tech aerial photography.

Breathe Breezy With This Low-Cost DIY Powered Respirator
Build an open source DIY powered respirator for less than $100 that's lighter and quieter than commercial PAPRs.

Build a Cuddly, Plush Companion Robot With Cute LED Ears
Code and sew a plush, interactive, wearable companion robot.

Build a Smart Thermostat With Oxocard Connect Innovators Kit Make: Edition
Our sweet new kit makes learning programming and electronics quick, easy, and fun — with ready-made code and plug-in cartridges.

Build Your Own Holiday Star With LEDs — Glowing DIY Decorations for the Festive Season!
Surprise the family by making a quick but dazzling LED star topper with Oxocard and a Pixelmatrix Cartridge. Programming not required, but easy to customize!

Remaking History: Sarah Mather and the Aquascope
The Brooklyn Evening Star, January 24, 1843: “The world is indebted to this inventor, who is not only American, but an American Lady!”