Month: August 2005

HOW TO – DIY Cubicle Bike Rack

HOW TO – DIY Cubicle Bike Rack

Rack Strap Screwing In Cameron Mallory write “I work. I bike. I bike to work. The problem is, I don’t have a lot of room to have the bike just sit against the wall of my cubicle. So I took it upon myself to come up with an alternate solution. As such, I present the Cubicle Wall Bike Rack. The solution is pretty straight-forward and is really easy to make. Here is what I did”… Link.

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Secrets Of The PSP Web Browser

Secrets Of The PSP Web Browser

Psp2-1-1-1-1 “ has a great guide on how to use all the possible features available in the PSP Browser and shows how to save and copy files, transfer files without a USB cable, and limit Out Of Memory errors.” [via] Link. I still don’t see any reason to update to 2.0- but if you did, this is handy.

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The Future of The Body: The Soundtrack

The Future of The Body: The Soundtrack

Fb0905Sdtrk 170X120Popular Science commissioned contributing troubadour, Jonathan Coulton, to write and record a soundtrack to their current Future of the Body issue. Each of the five songs he has crafted accompanies a feature article in this issue and, using clever lyrics, catchy hooks and secret harmonic frequencies, unlocks powerful regions of your brain not normally used in the reading of magazines. There are five songs, each inspired by an article, and CD cover art for available for download… Link.

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Interview with the Rocketcam makers

Interview with the Rocketcam makers

Matt Campbell found got a CVS disposable camcorder, took it apart and mounted it inside the nose cone of a model rocket. The very impressive resulting videos show the launch from the rocket’s point of view. Richard Baguley interviewed one of them about how they did it here…Link.

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Installing Verizon FIOS fiber-optic Internet service…

Installing Verizon FIOS fiber-optic Internet service…

Fiber A detailed description of what you see in your neighborhood, on the line near your house, on the side of your house, and inside when you get Verizon’s FIOS Internet service (Fiber-Optic!) – from Dan Bricklin. [via] Link. I hope they bring this to my area soon.

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HOW TO make a gyro cooker

HOW TO make a gyro cooker

Gyro-02 One day, my co-worker Yoshi mentioned that Alton Brown of Good Eats had discussed making gyros. I love Alton Brown and if he said it could be done, then I could do it. Yoshi mentioned that his plan kinda sucked because it wasn’t cooked by the traditional method of a rotisserie. At that point I decided to build my own gyro cooker. Link. Bonus links: Making a smoker from a trash can and Cooking a turkey in a trash can smoker.

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