Year: 2007

Hacked Bop-it tambourine

Hacked Bop-it tambourine

Some classmates (Byron Lahey and Ryan Brotman) and I just finished up a project where we used wireless handheld electronic devices to control Max/MSP instruments. It’s called sGloTaT (sensor Glow-object Trumpet and Tambourine): The sGloTaT sonic environment allows participants to originate sound by moving physical objects. It encourages novice users to play by naturally gesturing […]

Phone line controller

Phone line controller

Trax writes – It might be “yet another” «device» controller that operates over phone-line, but this one works for sure :) The task was to build a device that connects to the phone line and has a relay as an output switch. It should also sense if the connected «consumer» is turned-on or off and […]