Dalek Christmas tree
Pure. Geekly. Want. [via Boing Boing]
Pure. Geekly. Want. [via Boing Boing]
Us moms always appreciate the macaroni-on-a-soup-can pencil holders, but here are some other good crafty gifts kids can make for the adults (and other kids) in their lives. Kaboose has instructions for making easy glycerin soap, and About.com shows how to make bars of soap with treasures inside. Teach Soap shows how to make bath […]
It’s not too late to give the gift of making! MAKE Magazine has gift subscriptions and gift certificates to the Maker Shed store available with downloadable cards you can make yourself! MAKE Magazine is the first magazine devoted entirely to Do-It-Yourself (DIY) technology projects. MAKE Magazine unites, inspires, informs, and entertains a growing community of […]
We are pleased to publish the first ever gift guide for the trebuchet and catapult maker! MAKE columnist William Gurstelle put together everything you need to get started making your own giant-flinger, or as they’re properly called… trebuchets and catapults! You might ask why we’re putting a guide like this on MAKE, catapult kits sums […]
Thomson & Craighead created these Google tea towels: A beautifully crafted set of four tea towels sporting a series of authentic search engine results returned to a user when the criteria, ‘Please Help Me’, ‘Is Anybody there?’, ‘Please listen to me’ and, ‘Can you hear me?’ were entered into the search field, while using Google […]
Using a mixture of titanium dioxide, drywall plaster, aluminium powder and ground fluorite, Theo Grey of PopSci.com was able to smelt his own titanium, via a thermite reaction. The results are not pretty, and you probably don’t want to try this at home, but hey, DIY titanium! Yet I was able to make titanium using […]
Each year there is more interest in locksports, or hobby lock picking, until recently, the hobby of lock picking in much of the world has been a solitary pursuit with enthusiasts practicing their skills alone – but that’s changing. At technology events, hacker conferences and with groups like locksport more folks are taking up this […]