Year: 2009

Credit Crunch Sampler

Spotted in the CRAFT Flickr pool: The “Credit Crunch Sampler” by Bugsandfishes. I like the way she thinks: As a crafter, I’ve been really interested in how an almost wartime-like “make do and mend” attitude has been cropping up in connection with the credit crunch. Now the mass-consumption bubble has burst people are rediscovering the […]

DIY digital picture frame

DIY digital picture frame

The fine folks over at Hackaday have a really nice build of a digital picture from scratch. They have gone through all the trouble of making a custom 2-sided PCB and everything else required for this amazing little piece of technology. Nicely done Ian! there are a ton of digital picture frame tutorials out there. […]

Weeboy: A DIY video game system

This DIY portable game console features a color screen, tilt sensors, and 4 games. Of course you can always program more games if you build one for yourself. Check out the link for pictures of the system stuffed inside a relatively small enclosure. This is a great electronics project that is very well documented. By […]

The shape of sound

The shape of sound is a few different experiments in circuit bending and creating simple laser pointer light shows. There are some interesting sounds generated from the hacked toy sword. Also, I like the effect of bouncing the laser beam off of tin foil as opposed to a mirror. More about The shape of sound