Year: 2009

pov top tells it both ways

pov top tells it both ways

Dhananjay Gadre has created another great project! We recently built a LED spinning top with message display. Its an improved version of a similar top published by Elektor in their December 2008 issue. The Elektor top can be spun only in one direction. The synchronization required to print message on the LEDs arranged along the […]

Clean a toilet with Coke

Clean a toilet with Coke

I’m not sure what’s more disgusting, that a toilet can get as nasty as the one pictured, or that you can clean said toilet with the fluid you typically flush down your throat. According to wikiHow, you can just pour the tasty beverage over any stubborn stains or lime deposits, let it stew for a […]

Take a 6-month exposure photo

Pocket-Sized sent in a link to this article about the photography of Justin Quinnell. Using a pinhole camera made from an aluminum can, Justin was able to take super-long exposure, 160 degree angle photos over a 6 month period. The photo above was exposed from the 2007 winter solstice to the following summer solstice. In […]

RFID and silver jewelry collar

RFID and silver jewelry collar

Syuzi over at the Fashioning Technology blog writes: Designed by artist Amy Johnston, Hidden Agendas is an open mesh collar constructed from 45 RFID tags. Each tag, which can be read by an RFID reader, is programmed to display an image, quote, or question about tracking, surveillance and projection of identity. Besides the impracticality of […]