Year: 2010

CNN on today’s ‘golden age of inventors’

CNN on today’s ‘golden age of inventors’

Todd Greene is the Los-Angeles-based inventor of the HeadBlade, shown above, which is an ergonomic razor intended specifically for close-shaving of the head, rather than the face. It was chosen as one of Time’s Ten Best Designs of 2000. Greene, who claims to have made millions selling HeadBlades, is one of several inventors and inventing “gurus” featured in this interesting article on about the groundswell of ambitious inventing in the United States triggered by the recession.

Table that transforms into a playhouse

And you don’t even need a blanket. Ingrid Brandth‘s Daily Shelter transforms into a small playhouse. Feeling safe is not necessarily being safe. We feel protected and secure in surroundings that are familiar to us, where we can control the space around us – physically or psychologically. The Daily Shelter is a table inspired by […]

GameBoy Advance universal remote

GameBoy Advance universal remote

This morning’s post about remote controls prompted Austrian maker Markus Hirsch to send a link to a project he’s working on: a GameBoy Advance remote control. The project, which is still in development, calls for adding an ATMEL AVR tiny44 microcontroller, an IR diode and an IR receiver to a GameBoy. Basically, the tiny44 and […]

1981 ad for Lego

Photo from Flickr user Moose Greebles I like this 1981 ad for Lego. It reads, in part: “Have you ever seen anything like it? Not just what she’s made, but how proud it’s made her. It’s a look you’ll see whenever children build something all by themselves. No matter what they’ve created.” Compare the above […]