Make a scroll saw from a sewing machine
Here’s an interesting, if possibly questionable idea. The folks over at Flowering Elbow converted a sewing machine into a scroll saw.
Here’s an interesting, if possibly questionable idea. The folks over at Flowering Elbow converted a sewing machine into a scroll saw.
Here’s a cool video demonstrating the Fordson Snow Machine, a 1920’s screw-propelled vehicle. I’m just glad it doesn’t snow that much where I live!
A cool use of GML by Golan Levin and Jeremy Ficca, called Robotagger: GML (Graffiti Markup Language) drawings from are converted into DXF via a small Processing utility. Motion paths for a robot arm are planned from this DXF using Rhino and MasterCam. The ABB 4400 series arm is wielding a 2″ Montana Hardcore […]
Every other week, MAKE’s awesome interns tell about the projects they’re building in the Make: Labs, the trouble they’ve gotten into, and what they’ll make next. By Kris Magri, engineering intern How I designed Makey, Part III: The Ping sonar rangefinder and maiden voyage As we return to our robot design saga, making Makey the […]
This improbable-looking gyro-powered monorail appears to have been built by MORI Hiroshi. The monorail car balances on the track using a gyroscope flywheel, with a control system that can change its alignment to keep the car upright.
This month’s theme of Make Space for Crafting has got me thinking about designer/hacker/artist Emily Albinski’s helpful 101 feature on SketchUp, Google’s free 3D modeling software, which originally appeared on the pages of CRAFT Volume 09. As Emily writes in her intro: For decades, computer-aided design (CAD) applications were expensive tools used only by a […]
Paul Overton at DudeCraft shows us how to make this cool analog “scanimation” style animation using a transparent sheet with black bars on it. [via MAKE]