Month: September 2012

Maker Faire New York: Kelvin Doe

Maker Faire New York: Kelvin Doe

Kelvin, AKA DJ Focus, helped create a DIY youth radio station made from discarded consumer electronics salvaged from local garbage bins. He designed his own generator to power the station’s amplifier and other components. The station’s 12-volt generator is made from a home-made battery which in turn is  charged by broken DVD players. In his spare time, Kelvin DJs at kids’ birthday parties.

OHS and MakerBot’s Source

OHS and MakerBot’s Source

At this year’s Open Hardware Summit (9/27) in NYC, the MAKE video team asked some key participants (from MakerBot, SparkFun, Evil Mad Scientist, OpenROV and others) what they thought about MakerBot closing off some of its source files. Here’s some of what they had to say. More: Our coverage of the new MakerBot product release […]