Rad Science-Themed Alphabet Blocks

Craft & Design Fun & Games

I went to my friend’s baby shower this past weekend. She is due in mid-June and having a girl. Exciting! She’s a really smart person, with a very dry sense of humor, so I wanted to get her a baby shower gift that would (hopefully) impress her.
I first saw these laser engraved wood baby blocks by Xylocopa Design in our Makers Market a couple weeks ago, and I decided they would be perfect for my friend’s shower. And they are gorgeous in person! Instead of the usual E – elephant, C – cat, they have a science theme, with the blocks declaring that T is for tentacles, R, robot, and D, dirigible. My friend really liked them, and I think the father-to-be was grateful that it wasn’t another frilly pink onesie with “Princess” emblazoned across the front.

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

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